Sunday, May 09, 2010

September Thoughts (2009)

"Gotta learn to ignite than to hold the ignition until KABOOM."
"Gotta stop knowing and be ignorant because I would never able to know everything."
"Gotta stop making perfect and start making mistakes."
"Gotta stop understanding myself for I never would."
"When I long to feel alive, pain makes it for me. It's within reach than love, which is just too good to be true."
"When I don't want to feel, death can seem like a dream."
"When doing death, really trying to do it, makes dreaming about it so ridiculous."
"I am a lazy, self-indulgent little girl who thinks something is wrong with her."
"I don't have what most people have. I don't seem to see that I have a lot of friends. I don't seem to know that I have what it takes to be a winner."
"When emotionally overwhelmed, we are blinded." - Howard Hia
"I'm stuck between two forces, but I tend to stick to the easy side when I really want to reach the far side, the difficult side, the meaningful side. However, I doubt if I could last in both sides, so I rock in such turbulence until I lose my balance. which always happen. When it does, I lose myself, I sit in the middle and start groaning, not knowing what to do because both sides seems satisfactory."
"I doubt Jesus can save me. I doubt He can help me."
"It's hard to see what you can't see, feel, or touch esp. believe in what you can't see."
"Gotta learn to accept failures and stop perfecting it. Never possible. Days just move forward and not back."
"I have a low self-esteem because I can't do better. People are better than me and I envy them."
"Every day is just another day to wait until it passes by....Can't wait 'til it becomes year 2109..."
"In desperation, we can do things unimaginable..."
"When nothing sophisticated to do or too lonely to live, my mind runs havoc."

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