I stood facing my keyboard. Paused. I thought of God's love and my love to him. I thought of making a song out of it. I started playing RE-MI-FA# with Bm, RE-MI-FA# with A, RE-MI-FA# with G, then another RE-MI-FA# with D. Then the song flowed through my fingers as I improvised/played with those first notes. Thus the song just came. Unlike before, I usually had words in mind then the melody, but this time was new, melody then song. I recorded the song in the keyboard as I played it again. Then I listened to my work. I started to feel an inspiration like I didn't make the song and wished that could play it. However, the only thing there was, I did play the song, even made it.
The song was not only the work of my fingers, but that an awesome power led me to play the song. I started the lyrics with these words, "Do you love me...." There, but only up to that. The "me" there could be God or us. Problem, now, was the lyrics. I had nothing in mind yet, but only the idea: "Will you love my [God's] creation if you were blind? Sing praises to me if you were mute? Listen to me if you were deaf? Walk with me if you were lame? Do you truly love me? I answered all your prayers because I love you."
Whenever I listen to the melody over and over again, I thank God for always being with me and giving me a gift where I could share with him and tell the world of his love. Also, the more I listen to it, the more I can't wait to make the lyrics and sing and record it and hoping, I could share it with my friends.
[Improvise is like composing, except that you sit down with an instrument and begin playing anything like you have a song in mind, but the song still have not existed.]